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Asian koel

The Asian koel is a large member of cuculidae family and like many of its related cuckoo kin is a brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nest of crows.  Asian koel are many mainly resident breeders in Southern Asia from Iran, India, Bangladesh and Srilanka. They inhabit light woodlands, shrubby areas with scattered trees, gardens and urban areas.  These type of birds are usually more often heard than seen. they spend their time singly or pair hiding in the dense canopy. They are very vocal especially during the breeding season, making range of different calls.  The breeding season of Asian koels varies depending on location. It usually occurs from March to August. female birds lay their eggs in the nests of other large birds, including crows, shrikes and starlings. Adults male are glossy black with doll lime-green bill and females and immature blackish brown with white dots on the wings and strong streaking on head and throat. Adults have ruby red eyes. The Asian koel is omnivorous,
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